It is not enough in the business world today to produce a product or service well. You must present a strong, positive image to your customers in order to make a profit. You must employ individuals who will deal with your customers in a friendly, efficient manner. Employees that are curt and abrasive with customers will destroy the company. Each individual plays a vital role in public relations for the company. Employees must be aware that they are representing the company each time they answer the telephone or greet a customer. If they are polite, gracious, and efficient, they will increase the confidence that the customer has in the company. The employee should understand that creating a friendly atmosphere and having a feeling of respect for the company are vital parts of his job. The most effective way to create a friendly atmosphere is to smile. The pleasant smile is a reassuring way to put people at ease. By listening carefully the employee will also create the caring attitude. The employee should learn to concentrate on what is being said. Genuine respect for fellowman is a trait that cannot be replaced. The employee should always display good manners. Common courtesy indicates thoughtful consideration of others. Another way of creating goodwill is to be prepared. Customers expect to be helped by employees that are well acquainted with the products and services they are selling. To create goodwill, an individual should always be punctual. Few things do more to damage good relationships than being late for appointments and meetings. The image that your company portrays will depend on the attitude that you instill in your employees through not only training but also through the example that you as the company leader provide.